1. Authors are invited to submit original papers, which have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration for another journal, conference or workshop.

    Submit full manuscript via,

    Steps for Paper Submission

    • Authors should format the paper according to the aforementioned templates along with author and institution information.
    • The maximum number of authors in a paper is limited to 6.
    • The authors should refer to their own past work in the submission as they would any other author's prior work, and should provide all relevant citations. This can be accomplished by referring to their previous work in the third person or by citing publications in general.
    • To enable for repeatability, algorithms and resources utilized in a study should be explained as thoroughly as feasible. This covers experimental design, empirical analysis, and outcomes. When feasible, authors are highly urged to make their code and data publicly available. Furthermore, authors are highly encouraged to publish the results of their techniques on publicly available datasets.
    • After satisfying all the above mentioned requirements, author should mail their paper to iciss2k20@gmail.com.

    All manuscripts should be submitted as full papers and are reviewed based on their scientific merit. There is no separate abstract submission step. There are no separate industrial, application, short paper or poster tracks during submission.

    Paper Template

    click here for MS Word Template
    click here for LaTex Template


    Conference Publication Ethics

    • All articles submitted will be subjected to a "similarity/plagiarism test." Papers with a high similarity score/plagiarism will be scrutinized, and those judged too similar will be rejected without a formal review. We also anticipate reporting such unsatisfactory contributions to each of the writers' superiors.
    • Submission of papers to ICISS 2025 indicates an implied agreement that one or more of the stated authors will register for, attend, and deliver the work at the conference. Papers that are not delivered during the conference will not be included in either the final program or the digital proceedings. As a result, writers are strongly advised to plan ahead of time before submitting a paper.